“To Promote and Conserve Native American Heritage through Art, Education and Culture”

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are core to Our vision and we are focused on taking action by bringing together a multitude of voices, ensuring that everyone is heard and cultivating equitable opportunities for all underrepresented groups including Native American and Indigenous Youth, LGBTQ+, and all Minority groups that need a voice.

The goal of Pow Wow On Parade Foundation and its Directors is to utilize our resources and partnerships to benefit students and young adults with opportunities and experiences that will provide them lifelong enrichment that they will draw on and take into adulthood.  Such projects are essential to preserving the rich cultural heritage of Native Americans and empowering the younger generation.

Pow Wow On Parade is building a coalition of Nations, Tribes, Communities and Schools.  We are committed to making a positive impact in our communities and we are devoted to being active stakeholders and representatives for future generations.


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